Saturday, April 16, 2011

Problem or Person?

I was listening to a lecture recently and the speaker asked a simple question, but it is one that has continued to work its way into my thoughts often.

"When your child is not doing what you want or expect him to do, do you see him as a problem or a person?"

If I'm honest, when accomplishing my agenda on my timeline is the goal, I'll most likely view anyone that interferes with or delays my plan as "the problem".

However, when I can loosen the hold on my ideas of how and when things should happen, then I typically get to enjoy the people that are involved in my plans a whole lot more.

I'm praying to change my perspective. I do want to enjoy the little girl that goes to her room after breakfast to get dressed, make her bed, and brush her teeth, but somehow "forgets" to do at least two of the three things that are part of her morning responsibilities every day. I want to treasure the little boy with a stubborn streak (we really have no idea where that came from) who sometimes decides that he doesn't want to do school or go with the rest of the family to an event or put away his clothes. I want my face to "light up" when I see the little girl with one dimple, even when she pulled out her hair bow for the fourteenth time this hour or I'm getting her out of the carseat and her shoes and socks are off...AGAIN.

I can offer my children correction and discipline while seeing them as the image-bearing individuals that they are, not an obstacle in my path or a problem to be solved.


Jennifer said...

I'm working on the same thing, Lori!

Jennifer said...

I'm sorry I spelled your name wrong AGAIN. One of my best friends spells her name 'Lori,' and it's a hard habit for me to break!